My mom could make almost anything you want without ever going to the store at all times! Seriously. You could walk into her house without her expecting you and request steak, potatoes, green beans and blackberry cobbler and it would be on the table in no time! No trips to the grocery. It’s amazing.
She also has a pantry about the same square footage as my entire kitchen!
Not to mention, she is a real life pioneer woman who cans and freezes all of the food she grows herself every single year.
Canned homemade pasta sauce made from the tomatoes you grew in your backyard? Why yes, she does have that!
Dried apples from the tree down the road? Yep! Ready for baking!
Corn in the freezer cut off the cob from the field you can see out of the kitchen window? Sure!
Basically, she has the homemaking thing down.
I have to remember she’s been doing this for a lot longer than I have, so that’s why she makes it look so easy!
Also, I don’t live on a farm! I live on a quarter acre in town.
And I don’t have a pantry!
So, until I can become a homemaking super hero like my mom, I make due with what I have!
Four upper cabinets make up my “pantry” in my kitchen.
That being said, I don’t have a ton of space to buy the HUGE containers of anything. We basically only have enough storage to keep the food we eat in about 10-15 days.
There are a few reasons I have decided to count having a small pantry area as a blessing!
- First, we eat the food we buy. We don’t waste food! Nothing gets hidden or pushed to the back where we can’t see it. We buy it, we see it, we eat it! Of course, meal planning helps with this too!
- Next, it’s easy to keep clean and organized. If things get out of hand, it only takes a couple of minutes to tidy up our food storing area.
- It helps me stay on budget! We don’t have space to store extra food, so I’m really not tempted to buy it at the store.
While there will be a ton of perks to having a larger pantry someday, I am perfectly content with mine right now!
Since space is always an issue, I’m always looking for ways to keep what we have in our cabinets at a minimum.
If I have a product that sits for too long, I know not to repurchase it in the future. I only want what we truly use taking up valuable real estate in my kitchen!
We have to be super selective when it comes to what we store and keep on hand.
This means that a few things happen.
First, our meals are super simple.
If a recipe calls for an ingredient that would be kept in a pantry but I won’t ever use again, I don’t make it. I only keep what we use on a daily and weekly basis.
Second, it’s so easy to keep things clean and organized.
You know those YouTube pantry makeovers where they have a ridiculous before and a pristine after? I really can’t relate. I do not have the space to afford to have a giant mess. My small space has to be used multiple times a day, it has to be clean!
You can only make so big of a mess in a small space!