Have you seen the price of eggs lately? Yes, of course you have! They’re SO high. I remember in July when I couldn’t believe that I had just bought 18 eggs for almost $5. Now, that same package is $7.30! Craziness!!
We are absolutely getting baby chicks this spring and planning on raising our own eggs after that, but until I have a backyard full of laying hens, I knew there had to be a better way than emptying out my pockets at the grocery every time I needed some eggs!
Also good news, I’m not planning on telling you to go raise your own chickens to get eggs either, although I do think that’s a great idea if you’re up for it!
I’m going to explain a super simple thing that I do to buy eggs in 2023 on a super low budget!
How to Buy Eggs for Cheap in 2023
There are some obvious things that can save you money on eggs. The first thing is to look for sales on eggs at your grocery store and combine those sales with coupons.
My local Kroger sends me coupons in the mail that match up to the food products I buy frequently. The coupons I always end up with are for butter, cheese, eggs and produce. Those coupons are usually good for a month.
Most of the time there is also a sale during the month on eggs. It may be a very slight sale, but a sale nonetheless. I use my coupon whenever the sale is going on to get maximum savings.
If you’re not sure about when your grocery store is having sales, then check the flyer. You can almost always find an ad preview online for the next week so that you can plan ahead.
As great as this option is, it is not my favorite way to save money on eggs.
My favorite way to save money on eggs involves a trip to my grocery outlet!
A town over from me, there is a Kroger outlet store called Ruler. A lot of the times I don’t bother going to stores like these because you’re not guaranteed a good deal. A lot of the times, in fact, you can save a lot more money just by watching and shopping sales.
For eggs, this is a different story!
About once a month my Ruler store runs a sale on eggs. This month the sale was on the Simple Truth Organic Cage Free Eggs. They were $2.79 a dozen (my local Kroger was selling those for $5.99/dozen).
I stocked up for the entire month!
As a family of 5, we usually eat about 6 dozen eggs a month. By buying my eggs this way I spent $16.74 on eggs instead of the $35.94 if I had just bought them conventionally. That’s more than 50% savings!
Now, this does require a little bit more effort than just adding eggs to my grocery order that I’m picking up anyways, but right now it is worth the effort.
There are a few things that I do to ensure that this method of saving on eggs is worth it.
First, I make sure I’m not making a special trip to buy these eggs.
More than likely, me or my husband will be in this town for some other thing during a month. I just make sure I match up our egg buying with the trip over to make sure we’re not spending more on gas, time and energy than we’re saving.
Second, I always make sure I buy them when they’re on sale.
Since it’s a grocery outlet their prices are almost always at least a little bit cheaper than my local grocery store. However, I only buy eggs when they’re on special sale. Maximum savings are the only way to go!
Finally, I always buy the eggs with the longest time before their expiration date.
Eggs has a phenomenally long shelf life for a refrigerated good. They last for a while, but to ensure maximum savings on eggs I always buy the packages that will go out of date last.