My $55 for 5 days meal plan for a family of four includes a meal plan for breakfast, lunch and dinners, plus a shopping list and recipes! It is a great plan for when you need to save money or just save more money!

A lot of the time, when we think about eating healthy nutrient dense foods we picture a good trip to whole foods (and a very expensive grocery bill!) However, this is not the truth at all!
We can buy real good nutritious foods everywhere and it doesn’t have to break the bank.
It is possible to feed your family good and healthy meals on a really low budget!
To help you do this, I made a $55 for 5 day meal plan!
This meal plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner and should feed a family of four.
For the mom or dad who is trying to make healthy food a possibility for your family and you have a super small budget to work with, but you’re not sure how to start, this is where to begin!
This meal plan and grocery list can keep you on track with your financial goals and also make things super easy for you!
Here is how this 5 day meal plan, grocery list and recipe list can work for you.
- This menu includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks are not included.
- This meal plan will feed the average family of four. If you need to feed more or less people you should adjust your shopping list accordingly.
- Oils and spices are not included. I am assuming you have a working pantry with spices and cooking oils. If not, you can pick up a few things like garlic powder, salt and pepper for less than $1 at Walmart! Or, you can just leave those things out of your meals.
- An easy way to make this stretch even further is by eating leftovers. You can always save money by eating food that you have leftover from the previous meal.
How do I meal plan?
I meal plan in a 10 day cycle. You can check out that process here! You can also use the free meal planning printable I have here! This process works super well with this 5 day menu because it can just be doubled and all of the work is done for you!
Do you have the recipes?
Yes! I have all of the recipes included on the free download with the meal plan. I seriously give you everything that you need to be successful at saving money. Don’t worry, you CAN do this!
What about snacks and dessert?
If you want to buy snacks and dessert, your budget will extend past the $55 mark. However, you can usually shop your pantry to find creative things to eat for snacks and dessert!
I was able to buy EVERYTHING for this menu for $55! That is by shopping at my local Walmart.
I could usually make this by spending even less money by shopping my own refrigerator, freezer and pantry first and only buying what I don’t have. I also regularly shop sales and specials at my local grocery stores. So, if you want to view this as a challenge see if you can buy everything you need for even less!
It is important to recognize that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to feed your family healthy and good foods! No matter how small your grocery budget is, you can find nutrient dense foods that make you feel good about what you’re feeding your family!
Grab you FREE printable meal plan, grocery list and recipes here!