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After a baby turns six months old, life is a whole different ballgame. For months, we carried around our sweet tiny baby, helped her to nap, and fed her only breast milk. She cooed and rolled over and we just knew had finally figured out this whole “baby thing”.
Then suddenly, she was six months old. She was crawling around everywhere, getting into things, playing with toys, and was starting to eat foods! There were so many changes happening to my little girl, and it was a lot for my mama brain to handle!
There were three major changes that I noticed during this time and they had to do with foods, increased mobility and toys.
1. Foods
The biggest change at 6 months was definitely the introduction of foods.
I used a combination of purees and baby led weaning with Rosy and it has really worked well. Every week, I would make a couple of purees and keep them in the refrigerator. During each meal time, I would offer some of it.
Obviously, there were hits and misses when it came to what she loved. I do definitely recommend offering the same food multiple times. I would find that oftentimes she would reject a food one time and eat it up at the next meal!
I found freezing purees to be useful as far as having some convenient options. It was helpful when we were going out or when I ran out of what was prepared in the refrigerator for the week.
Mostly, I would just make her something either fresh like banana, or prepare a larger batch of something that required a little bit more prep like apples or zucchini.
When she was able to deal with all purees pretty well, I started offering some ultra soft foods on her high chair tray. Avocados worked really well for this, and in no time, she was feeding herself and chewing up soft chunks.
Introducing Rosy to foods was something I really loved! Her reactions really show off her personality, and it is so much fun getting to see what she enjoys!
2. Baby-proofing
Another huge change was her ability to really get around.
Rosy’s first mode of transportation was rolling. At 3 months she started rolling over, and by 6 months she could roll across a room to get a toy that she wanted. Add in army crawling and we had a baby that could really get around!
With all of this getting around came the need for baby-proofing. We plugged all of our outlets with these outlet covers. They’re super simple and easy and since they are clear they don’t draw Rosy’s attention.
We also put cabinet locks on all cabinet doors that held cleaning supplies or other things that could be heavy or dangerous to a plundering baby. We already didn’t have a coffee table or anything with sharp edges at baby level, but if we had we would have taken care of that too.
3. Toys
Up to this point, Rosy was completely content with a couple of random toys that she could pick up and make noise with or swat at on a play mat. All of a sudden, she needed more! Her ability to sit up on her own and move from toy to toy really changed the game as far as playtime goes.
I found basic toys like this ring stacker and this cube sorter to be really interesting to her at this age. Anything with smaller parts that she could pick up, throw and move from hand to hand helped her motor development a lot too.
We also love board books and have a ton of them. They’re not only helpful for language development, but also motor development. Rosy was already turning her own pages while she was read to at 6 months, but she started looking at books on her own around this age too.
Overall, life with a six month old is FUN! Rosy’s personality really starting shining around this age and I just loved spending time and playing with her all day.
Here is a our Babywise inspired schedule that we kept during this time.
- 7AM – Wakeup and nurse
- 8AM – Baby oatmeal or puree
- 9AM – Nap #1 (all naps are in her crib)
- 10-10:30AM – Nurse
- 11:30AM – Offer puree
- 12PM – Nap #2
- 1-1:30PM – Nurse
- 3PM – Nap #3
- 4:30PM – Nurse
- 5PM – Puree or soft solid
- 6:45PM – Bath time, story, and prayer
- 7PM – Nurse and bed for the night
*Usually, she would wake one time in the night to nurse.
I hope this was helpful!