When I first got married, I hated cleaning toilets and showers. I LOATHED it. In fact, Clay and I agreed that I would do basically everything else, and he would clean the toilets and showers.
I was over the moon about that arrangement.
We stuck to that until we had babies! He kept our showers and toilets sparkling!
After we had kids, I became a stay at home mom, and I also became super interested in cleaning more naturally.
One of the places that I would continually get stumped on how to clean it well without crazy chemicals, was the bathroom.
I continued to use chemicals in our tub and shower because nothing really seemed to ever cut through the soap scum that tends to build up easily.
One day, I noticed that the bottom of my daughters feet were peeling. At first, I thought she must have had on wet socks outside for too long or something like that. Then I got to thinking that I had just scrubbed out the tub with chemicals the day before.
Even though I rinsed and rinsed to get it all out, there must have been something left. That is the last time I ever used chemical cleaners in our tub. I knew I had to find something else.
This desire to clean more naturally, and the fact that scrubbing the tub was my least favorite chore brought on the idea I use now!
I was already cleaning our house with vinegar and water, but that wasn’t strong enough in the shower. I found a recipe online that included peroxide, vinegar and dawn dish soap and tried just vinegar and dawn first.
Guess what.
It works SO well.
Initially, I just sprayed the combination and scrubbed with a traditional sponge. Then I though, why don’t I just scrub this out when I’m already taking a shower.
That is where the scrub brush comes in!
It hangs neatly on our shower caddy in the shower and every couple of days, I scrub down the inside of the tub and shower walls.
Our bathtub has never been cleaner!
Not only is it sparkling, but it is SO easy. I don’t hate doing the chore. I feel like I’m getting a lot done whenever I scrub it now, because multitasking!!
There are no nasty chemicals lingering whenever I put the girls in the tub for their baths every night.
It is great!

How to make a shower scrubber to keep your bathtub shining!
- Buy vinegar and dawn dish soap and a scrub brush with a handle.
- Combine equal parts in the scrub brush handle.
- Shake to combine.
- Scrub to your hearts content while your conditioner is doing it’s thing!
- Step back and look at your ultra clean shower!!
Seriously, it’s SO easy and SO cheap. You have to try it!