I had my last baby the end of January of 2020. That time was a big blur, partly because we had a baby with reflux (read all about that experience here), but also because about a month after she was born the whole world shut down for Covid-19.
We had stocked our home pretty well, but there were definitely a few things missing in the household goods department. Especially when no one anywhere could buy toilet paper!
This time around, I’m stocking my home with all of the non-food items that we’ll need for at least 2 months. That way, we don’t have to worry about running out to the store for anything!
I really want to focus on resting during this postpartum season, so having my home stocked and ready to go is one way that I think will help that go much more smoothly.
What I’m Buying for my Home Before Baby #3
I’ve gone through all of my cabinets and storage and here are the items that we don’t already have a good stockpile of. I picked all of it up with a Walmart pickup order and it’s ready to go!
-Paper Towels
-Toilet Paper
-Aluminum Foil
-Parchment Paper
-Hand Soap
-Concentrated Household Cleaner
-Laundry Detergent
-Body Wash
This is all that I needed to buy a little bit extra of to feel like we could make it through at least a month or two without having to shop. I threw everything into a Walmart pickup order and got it picked up and all put away the next day! I LOVE checking things off of my to-do list when I’m into nesting mode!
Household Items to Prepare for Baby
What I bought is not an extensive list. I went through and looked at what we had and bought accordingly. Here is a great list to reference if you’re not sure where to start!
Paper/Plastic Products
-Toilet Paper
-Paper Towels
-Paper Plates/Bowls
-Disposable Cups
-Trash Bags
-Coffee Filters
-Aluminum Foil/Parchment Paper
Cleaning Supplies
-Bathroom Cleaners
-Multi-Purpose Cleaner
-Laundry Detergent
-Dishwasher Detergent
-Dish Soap
-Extra Sponges
Hygiene Items
-Hand Soap
-Hand Sanitizer
-Body Soap
-Body Lotion
-Feminine Hygiene Products
-Adult and Children Pain Relievers
Other Household Items
-Pet food