This month I came in $27.21 under budget! Considering I purchased a lot more meat than normal, and based our meals around protein and fat instead of carbs, this is excellent!
My husband ate completely keto this month, and all of his meals are included in these grocery hauls and meal plans.
My total grocery spending for the month of January for our family of 4 was $322.79.
If you want to check out each 10 day haul and meal plan, click the links below!
How do I save so much money every month?
The average American family of 4 spends about $890 on groceries every month.
We have a lot of financial goals that just wouldn’t happen if we spent that kind of money every single month on food!
I take my role as wife, mother and homemaker seriously and religiously meal plan and look for good deals.
It’s important to me to be a good steward of our family income, and by grocery shopping and meal planning effectively I am able to do that! Read all about my routine that saves THOUSANDS here!