Are you tired of spending endless hours tackling mountains of laundry? Imagine simplifying your laundry routine with just one easy trick. Whether you’re a parent juggling work and family life or a busy individual trying to stay organized, finding efficient ways to handle laundry can be a game-changer. In this blog post, I’ll share a simple yet effective strategy that can revolutionize how you approach laundry day. Say goodbye to overwhelming piles and hello to a more streamlined, stress-free laundry experience!
I like doing laundry. Genuinely. I really love sorting clothes and getting them clean, drying them and putting them away. It’s a therapeutic thing for me. As my family has grown, however, laundry has become less of a couple times a week thing to a two loads a day kind of thing.
Anytime something becomes something you HAVE to get done, it can quickly become a chore and something that is easy to get overwhelmed with. For years, I did my laundry in a way that while it got it all done, (I’ve always been a wash a load, dry a load and fold a load kind of mama), it wasn’t as streamlined as I would have liked for it to be.
One day, I was going around my house gathering up laundry and an idea struck me. An idea that was SO simple that I was like “WHY HAVEN’T I THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE!!!!????”
Have you ever had something like that hit you? It was so obvious after I had the idea that I was wondering why in the world I spent literally years doing laundry the wrong way.
I knew that this routine would help me streamline my family laundry needs, but I didn’t really understand the level that it would make my life simpler. So simple, in fact that my kids, who are very young, get a lot of it done themselves.
Anything that teaches more independence to the kiddos in my house is a win in my book, and this new routine does just that!
Are you wondering what this new routine is that seriously changed my never ending battle with laundry into a quick chore that gets done without even thinking about it every single day?
Let me tell you.
This is going to blow your mind because it’s so EASY.
It’s something that you can implement in your home RIGHT NOW!
Here we go…
My super simple laundry routine that has saved me SO MUCH time!
First, you need to get everyone in your home a laundry basket. Well, not necessarily everyone if you have kids that share rooms, but each bedroom needs to have a dedicated basket.
Then, and here is the key part, you wash ONLY that basket of clothes and then dry that basket of clothes and then put them away. You NEVER mix baskets. You never pull darks from one basket and mix them with dads socks and the babies onesies and moms leggings. DON’T DO IT!
You wash only child #1 clothes basket full of dirty laundry.
Then, you put it away.
What did you eliminate?
Sorting the baby socks from the adult jeans and the kid shirts and then making stacks upon stacks of clothes in the living room and then walking to the correct place to put them away.
Nope, you’re not doing it anymore.
You washed all of little Benny’s clothes and then you dry them, and then you carry the basket full of clean laundry back to little Benny’s room and then, here’s the magical part.
If little Benny is older than 2.5 years old. Little Benny is totally capable of putting away their own basket full of laundry (if you use a no fold system like we do!) You’re done!
I seriously spend about 10 minutes a day actually doing laundry. The rest of it is taken care of by the system. We’re teaching independence and responsibility in an age appropriate way. I seriously love it.
Guess what you’re not doing. You’re not sorting. You are not hiking all over the house. You’re not losing kids socks in dad’s pants in the dryer.
NO! All of the annoying parts of doing laundry are totally gone! It is FANTASTiC!
This way of doing laundry changed my life. Seriously.
Go try it out! You may just find that this system streamlines your families laundry situation more than you can even imagine!
It has helped my family so much, and I’m so excited to share it with you in the hope that it will help you have a calmer home too.